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Jerry Travel清境租賃公司聲明

I am Jerry. The family travel expert.
It's a great sunny day!
Let’s put aside all our chores.
And follow Jerry on a tour ~
It's a bright day full of sunshine ~ let [Taiwan Car Rental Service ‧ JERRY TRAVEL] take you around every charming corner of Taiwan, travel to all the majestic scenic landscapes, and experience each and every rich culture.
The features of JERRY's customized travel car rental service are:
※Most ideal for mainly small groups with quality travel rental car that is economical and fun.
※If you are travelling with your friends or family, we can arrange a wonderful and enjoyable trip for all of you ~
※You may also arrange your own tour itinerary in Taiwan and have [Taiwan Car Rental Service‧JERRY TRAVEL] take you to various attractions; or JERRY may suggest tourist attractions and arrange the number of travel days and itinerary that meets your needs!
Besides providing pick-up service from the airport and high-speed rail station, [Taiwan Car Rental Service‧JERRY TRAVEL] also offer car rental travel service. Our vehicles are of high quality, comfortable and are regularly inspected, and can fetch you around to explore the sceneries of Taiwan everywhere. Whether you enjoy a shopping tour, a biking tour or a travelling gourmet experience and various types of tours ~ JERRY can help you with that. A comprehensive travel planning will be provided before the tour and even local guide services are offered during the journey.
We are happy to communicate and discuss any of your requests or issues!!
The service hotline at [Taiwan Car Rental‧JERRY TRAVEL] is
+886 933-499313
And the more information you see our FB. or BLOG.
It's a great sunny day!
Let’s put aside all our chores.
And follow Jerry on a tour ~
It's a bright day full of sunshine ~ let [Taiwan Car Rental Service ‧ JERRY TRAVEL] take you around every charming corner of Taiwan, travel to all the majestic scenic landscapes, and experience each and every rich culture.
The features of JERRY's customized travel car rental service are:
※Most ideal for mainly small groups with quality travel rental car that is economical and fun.
※If you are travelling with your friends or family, we can arrange a wonderful and enjoyable trip for all of you ~
※You may also arrange your own tour itinerary in Taiwan and have [Taiwan Car Rental Service‧JERRY TRAVEL] take you to various attractions; or JERRY may suggest tourist attractions and arrange the number of travel days and itinerary that meets your needs!
Besides providing pick-up service from the airport and high-speed rail station, [Taiwan Car Rental Service‧JERRY TRAVEL] also offer car rental travel service. Our vehicles are of high quality, comfortable and are regularly inspected, and can fetch you around to explore the sceneries of Taiwan everywhere. Whether you enjoy a shopping tour, a biking tour or a travelling gourmet experience and various types of tours ~ JERRY can help you with that. A comprehensive travel planning will be provided before the tour and even local guide services are offered during the journey.
We are happy to communicate and discuss any of your requests or issues!!
The service hotline at [Taiwan Car Rental‧JERRY TRAVEL] is
+886 933-499313
And the more information you see our FB. or BLOG.