千萬年薪搭霸王車 貝萊德基金經理被削格 終身禁入金融界

資料提供: 作者:鉅亨網新聞中心綜合報導 發表日期:20141217




Fare-dodging hedge fund manager banned from City

BlackRock director Jonathan Paul Burrows Mr Burrows has since paid back the £42,550, plus £450 in legal costs.


A London hedge fund manager who regularly avoided buying a train ticket on his commute to the City has been banned from working in the financial services industry.

BlackRock director Jonathan Paul Burrows was caught by inspectors at Cannon Street station last year and admitted to avoiding the £21.50 fare from Stonegate in East Sussex.

In total, Mr Burrows is believed to have dodged £42,550 in fares.

The City watchdog said he "demonstrated a lack of honesty and integrity".

"Mr Burrows has admitted that, on a number of occasions, he deliberately and knowingly failed to purchase a valid ticket to cover his entire journey," the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said.

"As Mr Burrows held a senior position within the financial services industry and was an approved person, he should have been a role model for others and his conduct has fallen short of the standard expected for someone in his position," the organisation added.

Stonegate in East Sussex.Mr Burrows boarded trains at Stonegate in East Sussex, where there are no ticket barriers

Mr Burrows avoided paying the full fare by boarding the London-bound train at Stonegate - a rural station with no barriers - without purchasing a ticket.

On arriving in London, he went through the barriers at Cannon Street Station using an Oyster travel card, incurring a maximum fare of £7.20.

'I was foolish'

Mr Burrows, who is now banned for life from working in any regulated financial industries, has since paid back the £42,550, plus £450 in legal costs.

Reacting to the FCA's decision, he said: "I have always recognised that what I did was foolish. I have apologised to all concerned and reiterate that apology publicly."

However he added that "the size of the settlement [with Southeastern] could be said to have led to a distorted perception of the scale of my wrongdoing".

"While I respect the FCA's decision today, I also regret it, coming as it did after a 20-year career in the City that was without blemish.

"I recognise that the FCA has on its plate more profound wrongdoing than mine in the financial services sector, and I am sorry that my case has taken up its time at this critical juncture for the future of the City and its reputation."

去年11月,巴羅斯的逃票行為被發現幾天後,他表示希望匿名,因為害怕失去工作。但當英國交通警察開始調查時,英國的金融市場行為監管局 (Financial Conduct Authority)也開始對巴羅斯展開調查,並要求他通知他的僱主。當僱主得知後,巴羅斯馬上就被停職,後來他只好辭職。


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