日前方塊夫遊戲宣布引進紐西蘭台裔富豪游書翰(David Yu)的RMG集團投資,宣示進軍國際市場並於1年內赴美掛牌,原被認為是台灣遊戲業尋找活路的美事,不過有網友在PTT爆卦,質疑游書翰富豪身分,指2004年富比士富豪榜中國第180名的富豪「David Yu」另有其人,是阿里巴巴的股東虞鋒,引爆網路熱議!游書翰昨接受《蘋果》查證時推給媒體:「富士比排名恐為媒體誤用網路資訊,本人未曾說過。」
游書翰低調說,來台投資並非炫富,而是幫助年輕人創業,他不願對外說明自己身家,僅強調媒體誤用網路資訊。為強調自己不是來詐騙,游書翰昨天特別找出2001年成立Games R US、並在2004年獲Deloitte(勤業眾信)會計師事務所評為紐西蘭前12大營收成長最快公司等資料。
他另提出2002、20037月公布的紐西蘭富豪榜資料,並登上2002年7月紐西蘭《the national business review》報導「23歲的游書翰,年輕有為,經營醫療器材貿公司及遊戲公司等,其中遊戲公司年營收至少1億元……」
2015-03-18 中央社 中央社記者羅秀文台北18日電
近日宣布投資方塊夫遊戲公司的36歲台裔紐西蘭富豪游書翰(David Yu),遭網友質疑富豪身分,他今天提出RMG集團在紐西蘭註冊的文件,證明自己並沒有「膨風」。
有網友指出,游書翰自稱是RMG集團(RetailManagement Group)執行長,但沒有查到RMG的架站紀錄,網路上資訊也很少,有待釐清。
有網友指出,有媒體報導游書翰是2004年富比士富豪排行榜第180名,但網友找出2004年富比士榜單,第180名富豪的確叫做David Yu,但後面註記是TargetMedia的創辦人,網友又找出Target Media公司的資料,指出Target Media創辦人應是中國大陸富豪虞鋒,英文名字正巧也是David Yu。
對此,游書翰表示,從來沒說過自己是富比士排行榜的富豪,是媒體誤植。但他也提出紐西蘭媒體National Business Review的報導,證明自己2002、2003年都進入紐西蘭富豪榜。
此外,游書翰指出,他2001年創立的遊戲公司Games R US在2004年被全球4大會計師事務所之一的勤業眾信(Deloitte)評選為紐西蘭前12大營收成長最快的公司,連續3年業績平均成長426%;2004和2008年也被安永會計師事務所(Ernst & Young)評選為年度企業家。
最近一名36歲的台裔紐西蘭富豪游書翰(David Yu),被媒體報導曾在2004年榮登富比士富豪排行榜第180名,還說日前返台投資遊戲產業,PTT網友「鑑盤起底」後發現好多內容怪怪的。
網友terryshin在PTT八卦版發文,表示新聞中提及「游書翰現為RMG集團(Retail Management Group)執行長」,自己透過Google搜索,卻查不到公司的詳細資訊,反而找到該集團旗下部門Simuolive 施慕芙的網站,但是透過施慕芙網站留下的電子信箱再反查詢網域資訊,依舊查詢不到任何資料。terryshin表示「這麼大的公司,網站沒上線?」
而terryshin在透過「2004年榮登富比士富豪排行榜第180名」關鍵內容進行查詢,在富比士網站上確認了2014年排名180名的富豪的確是David Yu,但是所經營的公司卻是「Target Media」,他比對後發現富比士網站上「2014年富豪排名180名」所指的對象是中國富豪虞鋒,而Target Media也是虞鋒的公司「上海聚眾目標傳媒有限公司」,並非是這位台裔紐西蘭富豪游書翰(David Yu)與RMG集團(Retail Management Group)。
2015-03-17 04:52:40 聯合報 記者蕭韻純/台北報導
台裔青年游書翰(David Yu)在17歲時利用3萬台幣創業,23歲成為紐西蘭富豪榜中最年輕的富豪,現在事業橫跨保養、葡萄酒、遊戲等領域,身價逾百億。今年36歲的他回台投資在地遊戲商方塊夫數位,並打算前進國際市場,目標明年赴美上市。
游書翰現為RMG集團(Retail Management Group)執行長,他笑說創業是一場「意外」。
他除投資台灣遊戲開發商方塊夫,還要結合旗下遊戲公司英國紅人(Redman Gaming)、紐西蘭Games r us的優勢,要把台灣遊戲產業的開發能力帶上國際舞台。
Branka Simunovich's daughters eye $20m claim against Ivan
BUSINESSDESK: Two daughters of olive beauty products producer Branka Simunovich, who died suddenly last June, are considering making a claim potentially worth $20 million against her estranged husband, Ivan Simunovich.
A law firm acting for Dante Moulton and Jadranka Boric cites the proceeds of a potential claim against cashed-up businessman Ivan Simunovich, who now lives in Croatia, as being included in the residue of their mother’s estate.
The claim would be made under section 88 of the Property (Relationships) Act and “could be $20 million”, according to the High Court judgment from Judge Christopher Toogood.
The details of the potential claim emerged in a judgment on costs related to the estate sought by Ivan’s son Peter Simunovich after the two sides failed to agree last year on who should have the right to be the administrator of Branka’s estate.
Ivan built up a fishing empire that dominated New Zealand’s scampi industry before the business was sold to listed fishing group Sanford in 2004 for $137 million.
According to the April 17 judgment, his interest was worth $50m.
The Simunovich family’s wealth was put at $200m in NBR’s 2011 Rich List.
At the time of the sale, Ivan had been living in a de facto relationship with Branka for about 11 years.
They married in 2007, but separated about two years later, when Ivan left for Croatia, having migrated to New Zealand almost half a century ago.
Branka migrated from Croatia in 1993 with her two daughters and her then husband, who returned home almost immediately.
With second husband Ivan she developed Simunovich Olive Estate in the Bombay Hills south of Auckland, New Zealand’s largest such plantation, and launched a range of cosmetics based on olive oil and leaf extract.
The estate also houses the Bracu restaurant.
According to the Companies Office, Simunovich Olive Estate is 51% owned by Ivan and 49% by Branka.
However, her interest is given as “a shareholder’s loan account in the books” of the estate of about $1.65m, based on Peter Simunovich’s application to be administrator, cited in the judgment.
Branka’s other assets included bank accounts, a life insurance policy of $630,000, and a mortgaged house in Pukekohe valued at $305,000, it said.
Judge Toogood accepted some of Peter Simunovich’s application for costs but others would be shared, given the to-ing and fro-ing that occurred between the two parties.
The Public Trust has subsequently been appointed as administrator by agreement of both parties, according to the judgment.
Branka didn’t leave a will or appoint an executor or trustee for her estate, though according to the judgment she left a "testamentary document" titled “My Last Measge” (sic), “in which she purported to make dispositions of particular assets”.
While the Simunovich family are on the Rich List, the judgment notes that Branka’s daughters are “apparently of limited financial means”.
Judge Toogood said: “I do not doubt that the prospect of a substantial relationship property claim was one of great significance to them.”
China connection
By Maria Slade
A pair of young Kiwi entrepreneurs have taken it upon themselves to represent New Zealand at a Northeast Asia trade expo in China this week.
The move is part of a $1 million investment David Yu and James White are making to ramp up exports of New Zealand products to the region.
They are evangelical about the potential for New Zealand goods in Asia.
"There's a huge demand for our products, I mean huge," Yu said. "Honestly, I'm crying trying to get our product out."
Yu started his first business at 17 - a gaming retail chain that now has five New Zealand outlets and a couple of dozen franchises across Asia.
The Taiwanese/New Zealander and White, his long-time business partner, have now turned their attention to promoting clean, green Kiwi goods.
Everything from honey and wine to healthcare and cosmetics are on their stand at the Jilin Northeast Asia Investment and Trade Expo, held in the northern Jilin province.
Yu has also just opened two retail stores in Taipei that sell New Zealand beauty products, such as the Simunovich family's Olive and Tebe ranges. A Tebe spa in the city will follow.
The pair's clients include 10 wineries and they even export their own brand of honey.
Yu estimated that by the end of the year he would have invested $1 million in the projects. "We are an incubator for these brands. Doing business in Asia is very, very different. I'm a great trader because I know how. It's who you know in Asia, not what you know."
These connections have enabled Yu and White to set up a stand at the invitation-only Jilin expo.
The six-day event is expected to draw 100,000 visitors a day.
White said he and Yu offered Kiwi companies something unique because they operated in New Zealand and China.
His fiancee Yanxi Guo is based in China running the importing operation, while he handles the New Zealand end.
"It removes many of the normal risks associated with doing business in China and, believe me, there's a lot of risk."
White said New Zealand suppliers had a hard time when it came to understanding the market.
CJ Pask managing director Kate Radburnd admits freely that she is one of those suppliers and says the Hawke's Bay winery has had mixed success with China, until now.
In the past couple of months, it has shipped more than 36,000 bottles, making the country its fourth-biggest export destination. The winery sees "immense potential" in its association with Yu.
"We have sent containers of wine [to China before] but it hasn't been ongoing business. Whereas this is the first time where we've seen continuity and I'm sure it's because of David's relationships."
Branka Simunovich said she probably would have moved her brand to China at some stage but, with Yu's investment and enthusiasm, sales of her Olive and Tebe beauty ranges were booming.
It now sends more of its body milk product to Taipei than it sells in New Zealand in a year.
"That's all happened in about six months. That's amazing and that's only because of David."
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise's China director, Tim Green, said there were thousands of trade fairs in the region each year and Jilin wasn't on the agency's radar.
However, Yu and White were "absolutely" the sort of people New Zealand businesses needed to represent their interests in the market. "The more of these sorts of channels we can establish the better."
Yu said New Zealand's free trade agreement with China was giving it an advantage over the rest of the world but it would be a narrow window and Kiwis needed to act. "Everyone says to me, 'Oh yeah, we have to be in China' but no one's doing anything about it."
Young gun
Name: David Yu
Age: 31
Born: Taiwan, emigrated to New Zealand 1989
Career: Set up the Vagabond and Livewire gaming stores in 1996. Company makes the Deloitte Fast 50 ranking in 2004. Yu nominated for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2008.
Michael Poll Ltd, 29 Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Auckland, 0622 , New Zealand
Michael Poll Ltd, 29 Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Auckland, 0622 , New Zealand
9 Byron Avenue, 20b Spencer On Byron Hotel, Takapuna, Auckland, 0740 , New Zealand
David Shu-han YU
9 Byron Avenue, 20b Spencer On Byron Hotel, Takapuna, Auckland, 0740 , New Zealand
16 八月 2005